How Alma Grows LEADERS like you


Mind growing workshops to grow knowledge about the body, spirt, and wealth.


Rituals, ceremonies, and activities related to the different chakra points of the body.


Our 42 acre ranch is filled with like minded individuals who are on a similar journey

A New Way To Grow

Our goal is to cultivate a sanctuary of wellness that operates sustainably and in harmony with nature, providing transformative retreats that enhance personal and spiritual well-being with minimal external impact.

We offer a series of unique chakra-based retreats, each designed to align your spiritual, emotional, and physical health with the natural cycles of the earth, sun, and moon. We invite you to join us in this journey of growth and enlightenment, where every experience is an opportunity to evolve and make a positive impact.

The Seeds You Water Today Become The Trees Of Tomorrow

The Alma Wellness Guides

Our team of mentors, shamans, healers, and wellness practitioners have some of the best experience in the industry. We are not only experts in spirituality and wellness but can also help guide you in early sales, and getting launched. We are passionate about helping leaders build a sustainable business.

Start Your Journey

Now Accepting New Members

We aim to help the individual and nurture their growth as a supportive community so that the community itself could then modernize and mature into a leading agent for consciousness advancement worldwide.

Go Deeper at Alma

Explore our other programs

Select members who embark on the 21 day journey will be invited to our Chapter 2, 90-day, program aimed at getting your newly discovered business established for success and integrated with the rest of the Alma Wellness Community.

Our Space

Alma Wellness is a dedicated sanctuary space designed with the intention to offer education in holistic healing practices from all over the world. Every culture and religion is represented and the 42 acre space itself is divided into seven 6 acre lots each for specific rituals and ceremonies relating to the seven chakras of the soul.

We’re on a mission to make your leadership journey easier, more accessible and successful for early-stage entrepreneurs.